
A single, very simple, Unified Fermion Lagrangian, produces the many separated,
particle dependent, pieces of the Electroweak Fermion Lagrangian.
All the Standard Model fermions, three generations of leptons and quarks, are found to be different excitations of a single unified field, as the eigenvectors of a single generator function with the charge as only variable. The field's content determines the type of fermion and its characteristics.
Relativistic Quantum Field Theory
Hans de Vries
Part I Relativistic foundations of light and matter Fields
Chapter 1: Elementary solutions of the classical wave equation
Chapter 2: Lorentz contraction from the classical wave equation
Chapter 3: Time dilation from the classical wave equation
4: Non-simultaneity from the classical wave equation
Part II Advanced treatment of the EM field
Chapter 5: Relativistic formulation of the electromagnetic field
6: The Chern-Simons EM spin and axial current density
Chapter 7: The EM stress energy tensor and spin tensor
Chapter 8: Advanced EM treatment of Spin 1/2 fermions
Part III The relativistic matter wave equations
9: Relativistic matter waves from Klein Gordon's equation
Chapter 10: Operators of the scalar Klein Gordon field
Chapter 11: EM Lorentz force derived from Klein Gordon's equation
Chapter 12: Klein Gordon transition currents and virtual photons
Chapter 13: Propagators of the real Klein Gordon field
Chapter 14: Propagators of the complex Klein Gordon field
Chapter 15: The self propagator of the Klein Gordon field
Chapter 16: The Poincare group and relativistic wave functions
Chapter 17: The Dirac Equation
Chapter 18: Transformations of the bilinear fields of the Dirac field
Chapter 19:
Gordon decomposition of the vector/axial currents
Chapter 20: Operators and Observables of the Dirac field
Chapter 21: The EM interactions with the Dirac field
Chapter 22: The Hamiltonian and Lagrangian densities
Part IV Foundations of Quantum Electro Dynamics
Chapter 23: Scattering and momentum conservation
Chapter 24: Decay rates and Cross sections
Chapter 25: Interference currents from transitions
Chapter 26: Propagation from the interaction term
Chapter 27: Feynman rules and diagrams of QED
Chapter 28: Full Gordon decomposition of all bilinears
Chapter 29: Higher order Feynman diagrams
Chapter 30: Path integral methods
Part V Non Abelian gauge theories
Chapter 31: The Electroweak theory
Chapter 32: The Electroweak interactions with quarks
Chapter 33: Quantum Chromo Dynamics